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Tools for fusing polyurethane or polyester round and V-belts

Timing & conveyor belts with mechanical joint system

We offer you a wide range of tools and accessories for welding your BEHAbelt round and V-belts.

Welding machine Multi TC, SG02 or SG03

Spatule chauffante

Heat the purlin to the desired temperature.

Pince à courroie

Attach the clamp to the 2 ends of the Belt and align them.

Extraire la panne si un bourrelet apparait

Place the soldering tip between the Belt ends. Press on the guide clip and belt ends.

Regler l'endroit ou intervenir sur la panne

If a 2-3mm bead appears at the ends of the Belt, quickly open the pliers and remove the breakdown.

Laisser refroidir

Place the clamp on its base and allow the Belt to cool for 10 minutes.

RS02 friction welder

Outil de soudage pour courroies rondes

Select and use clamping jaws.

Fixer la ceinture dans l'outil de soudage

Fix the profile to the center of the clamping jaws and secure the clamping jaws with an Allen key.

Régler la vitesse et la pression

The parameters for regulating melting speed and pressure contact depend on the type of profile.

Allumer pour souder la courroie

Switch on the machine and press the release button.

Extrémité de la courroie soudée

Stop as soon as the profile swells, the profile is welded. Leave the welded profile in the machine for approx. 2-3 min, then open the clamping jaws using the Allen key.

Welding with HP01 press

Courroie dans le moule de soudage

Insert profile into mold.

Fermeture de la courroie dans le moule de soudure

Close the top of the mold and place it in the press.

Réglage de la pression de soudage de la bande

Turn the knob to close the press.

Lancement d'un processus automatique de soudage de la bande

Press the Start button.

Enleve les bavures de la courroie

When finished, open the press and remove the profile from the mold.

Fusion using FZ03 tooling

Pince à souder pour courroie

Select the clamps and insert them into the FZ03.

Outil de soudage par chevauchement de courroie

Fasten prepared Belt ends in Z-shape by inserting them into FZ03.

Bande de fusion avec palette de soudage

Merge profile.

Fermer la pince à souder

Quickly remove the welding tool and close the FZ03.

Souder la courroie

Allow the profile to cool in the unit. Remove burrs using SE02 cutter.

Documentation on jointing tools

Round and trapezoidal rope documentation

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