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Confronto tra la catena e il Nastro ERO Joint®

Cinghie e nastri trasportatori con assemblaggio meccanico

Catene vs. cinghie dentate vs. cinghie dentate ERO Joint®

Qual è il miglior sistema di trasmissione di potenza? Catena, cinghia dentata o cinghia dentata assemblata meccanicamente ERO Joint®?

L'industria utilizza tutti e tre i sistemi:

  • Catena: più flessibile (più facile da assemblare, disponibile in tutte le lunghezze)
  • Nastro: maggiore potenza trasmissibile (resiste a velocità di rotazione più elevate), più pulito (non richiede lubrificazione),
  • Cinghia dentata ERO Joint®: vantaggi delle cinghie e flessibilità del montaggio della catena (le cinghie ERO Joint® sono prodotte aperte e chiuse sulla macchina come una catena).

Guardi il video di una bicicletta con un sistema di trasmissione a cinghia
"Le cinghie sono la migliore trasmissione per bicicletta disponibile"

Catena vs. Cinghia vs. Nastro ERO Joint®

Winner Comment
Easy assembly ERO Joint® chains and belts The belts are closed, so it's easier to assemble an open chain and close it in the machine than a closed belt. ERO Joint® belts are delivered open and closed on the machine. It is therefore just as easy to assemble an ERO Joint® belt as a chain.
Repairability Chains A chain can be repaired using a replacement link. The belt must be completely replaced.
Efficiency Belts Belts weigh less than chains. Better efficiency.
Durability Belts Belts generally last at least twice as long as chains. ERO Joint® belts can last as long as closed belts, under certain conditions.
Maintenance ERO Joint® belts and belting systems The belt requires no lubrication and generally no tension adjustment.
Price The winner depends on the application
Weight ERO Joint® belts and belting systems
Noise ERO Joint® belts and belting systems Belts are quieter than chains. ERO Joint® generates no additional noise on the belt.
Cleanliness ERO Joint® belts and belting systems Belts don't need lubrication. The chain needs lubrication, and the dust agglomerates, generating dirt.
Available sizes ERO Joint® chains and belts All chain lengths can be made by adding links. ERO Joint® belts can be manufactured in any length and width. Closed timing belts are only manufactured to a certain standard length.
Temperature resistance Chains The general temperature range for belts is -30 to +80°C. The temperature range for chains is wider.
Chemical resistance to water, acid, oil, UV, chlorine, etc... Belts The belt can be made from a variety of materials (rubber, PU, ....), allowing more possibilities than chains.

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